Thursday, October 27, 2016

Come Sail Away...Come Sail Away.....Come Sail Away With Me!

Hello and we are almost there....
The Weekend.... woo hoo!
So...Monday, like I was having my lunch at work..just eating the softest thing ever....a chicken patty...when OMG...all of a sudden...doing an inventory....what?  What is that sharp thing in my mouth?  OMG....inventory control filling is gone!  AHHHHH!
So as I am writing this blog post....(it's Monday night)....I called the dentist right away....and they gave me an appointment for....what?  November 7th?  Really?  that's like more than 2 weeks away? molar filing is gone...who knows...maybe it's my tooth? 
I did end up stating well that just doesn't work for, who am I, right?  Mrs. President...NOT! 
Hello..filling inventory control...can you hear me?  lol
I did manage to get an appointment for November 1st...
Well....I didn't have any pain or soreness then...but before I left work...hey..what's that?  A little pain?
So I doctor myself...head to CVS to get the filling stuff that is temporary...and now I sit here...a bit of pain...and praying that they take me in tomorrow.....
So...thinking of the original date...OMG...I could not wait that long...because.....
I got this in the mail.....
Ta ticket for Centre Stage for our local On Stage hosted by Stampin' Up!
No way am I going to want to have to worry about tooth problems when I am traveling to my On Stage Event in New way...!
What?  What is On Stage you ask?
It's a one day even (well for those Silver Elites and above there is a special get together Friday night with a very fancy foo foo dinner and I'm sure some goodies for us demos)....then Saturday is the official event...lots of swapping, meeting new and old friends, classes, swapping, stamping, snacking, swapping, stamping, a yummy lunch and then more classes....stamping...snacking...swapping (if anyone is left to swap)....and also the release of the new Occasions Catalog!  Woo Hoo!....and did I forget to mention Prize Patrol?  OMG...I'm so excited!  I cannot wait.... do you get to attend the Stampin' Up! events?  Well, just come on over to the SUEweet Stampers a part of the best company of the stampin' world and join the family!
Not only do you get to attend these fun events, you can earn free stamps, make some extra $$$ for yourself or maybe there is something special in your future...or even....wait for it...
YUP...a Cruise for 2 to Alaska....YES PLEASE!
Wow....wouldn't that be a blast?  Well...what are you waiting for?
Call me right away...and let's chat about it....
It doesn't matter if you live in the NE part of PA....or the state of Hawaii.....I'd love to have you join my team and let's work on this fabulous trip....TOGETHER!
What do you say?
Head on over to my demonstrator web site (see the side bar) on it and contact me today!
Let's sail off you can bring a guest mom says whomever I bring with me, I had better like them a lot....or I guess I can throw them overboard....t hee!  Just Kidding!
Let's sail this adventure together, shall we?  Call me!  Email me!  Text me!...NOW...
Have a SUper Sailing Stampin' Up! Day!
Glimmer Cruise Hugs to you!

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