Being Sick....JUST STINKS!
So...there you are going about your day...then WHAMO----something hits
not physically but illness....
No one likes being sick....but it happens...for whatever reason....
This has been the reason for my absence from the social world....
First off...had some mouth thinking...hmmm....I had a root canal and crown on that tooth area....a filling a few months back and a crown on one of those could it be?
I feel after my years of experience of being a mom...and furbaby mom...I have earned my medical degree....and working on my vet why not....dentistry degree too?
Well, some things, well...just leave to the professionals.....
So make it through the night with temps spiking 102...and overall make an appointment with the dentist to find out....nothing! Puts me on an antibiotic and she will call me in one week to see how I am (Wednesday)...still taking antibiotic....still having pains that wax and wane (how about that terminology?)......I'm still hurting....comes and goes (that is the definition of wax/wane).
So what is a stamper to do? Just drop out of society for a few nights...and lots of Oxy!
So...this was suppose to be short..but sometimes just have to vent...nope...not helping my pain...but I know so many of you can relate...right?
So last night...after sleeping after work...and begin awoken up from a storm, I decide to get working on swap cards (yes, they are due next week)..YIKES...and what do I stamp....well, I cannot show you just yet...but it involves TEETH! lol

Did you receive your Holiday Catalog yet? I hear they are showing up in people's mailboxes and I always send one to myself (I pay Stampin' Up! to mail them) if you have made a purchase from me this year, you'll be receiving one...but in case you do not (please tell me) and I can get you another one....I will be calling those I sent out to making sure you received please don't ignore my call..or..just let me know that you received it! :-)
How about a little stinking cute for today (or a little foxy something?)

Have a SUper Stampin' Day!
Glimmer Hugs!
Hi Susan, Hope you are starting to feel better. No worse pain than a toothache.