Friday, July 31, 2015

Time For Some Paper Pumpkin Pickin' it's the last day of July...yikes!  The next thing you know summer will be behind us....and fall will be upon when you think of fall....what do YOU think of?
Me?  Well pumpkins of course....I love fall....the colors...the smells....the crispness in the air...but most of all, I love pumpkins.....always did...always will.....I'm always sad when pumpkin time is over.
How would you like to have pumpkins all year round?
Well.....keep on readin'!
How would you like to give PP a try?  How about saving 50% off....woo hoo!

Wondering what it's all about?  Here's a short video that explains it.'s another fun video showing what you missed this month:
Still not sure?
I am hosting a Paper Pumpkin Pickin' Event tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Come on over and give it a try for yourself.  I'll have a ton of various monthly kits and projects which you can "try before you buy"....see what it's about in person....stamp a project or two AND....a FREE gift if you decide that it's just what you arrive at your door each and every month!  It's like a fun class and you are the creator!
Are you already sold?  Well if so, I'd love to have you join my PP Team of's a direct link for you to sign up right now!  By signing up now, you won't miss out on the August PP which will be awaiting at your doorstep about the middle of August!...and, once a member, you have exclusive rights to my Stampin' Sue Paper Pumpkin Patch on Facebook where I share with members even more "outside the box" projects using the kits! 
You also can view and purchase past kits as well!'s the NOW! and don't forget to use the code to get your first 2 months at 50% off....that's $10 a month!  For a craft kit.....with stamps, ink, paper and more!  
What are you waiting for?
Click on the link....
Did you click on the link?
I'll be here waiting for you to come to the Pumpkin' Patch tomorrow and stamp with me!
Have a super Pumpkin' kind of day!

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