Happy Monday Stampers
Hope this blog reading finds you well. It's been one busy week last week for me! How about you?
I have some really great news...I finally got an answer to my "tooth" issues....seems as though visiting a different endodontic specialist totally was the ticket....Good news is that I have an answer...Bad news is another root canal....but its okay...as having an answer makes me so happy...I'll let you know after my root canal on Friday! YIKES!
So this weekend was a full crafting weekend...It started on Friday at my Coffee Cafe' Class...and what fun we had.....if you missed out.....there are other upcoming events posted on my Events page....but everyone loved the projects and those that didn't want to create the wooden coaster got an additional card to create instead...on the same lines as the coaster.
My next event posted is for this Thursday, my Paper Pumpkin Event....I so far only have one stamper signed up, so if you are a PP subscriber (or not), you are invited to attend.
If you have a PP box, bring it along...this month's box is so much fun....and I'm already thinking of creative ideas so if you want to create with me, be sure to head on over to my webpage at stampinsuecreates.stampinup.net and sign up!
So also this weekend, I crafter all weekend long.....was hoping for rain.....so that made me stay indoors all weekend long, but it was hot and humid....so that was okay....seems like summer doesn't want to go...just yet.....Why was I crafting?
I am participating in upcoming craft show and pasta dinner at Wyoming Area High School on Sunday, 10/15/17 and so I have lots of crafts to make and sell....so be sure to save the date and plan on attending. My daughter will also be hosting a table as well creating her stunning wreaths and crocheted items....The event runs from 12 to 5 pm....and you can shop and eat at the same venue!
I seem to be doing a lot of you tube videos these days, more than blogging...so be sure to check out my you tube channel at StampinSueCreates.....for some really fun videos.
Hope you have a great start to your weekend! I'll be back sharing lots of my craft projects, so be sure to subscribe to this blog to receive updates!
Have a SUper Stampin' Day!
Glimmer Hugs!
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