Monday, January 25, 2016

He's Here!

Here we are again folks....Monday! 
Wowsie...what a weekend, huh?  I don't know where you are currently reading this from but hopefully you are safe and survived the Northeastern coast gigantic snow storm....we were really lucky here...with only a few inches but some of the places...wowsie....I cannot even image where I would begin with thoughts and prayers going out to all of you!  Be safe!
Well, I have good week ago, last Monday was the day my newest grandson arrived in this world...we waited a long time for him....and he is here!

Preston Richard
21 inches long
9 pounds 1 ounce

Isn't he the cutest?

Here are the two buds....Travis and Preston.
When Travis was holding his brother, his comment was, "I really like him".....he is going to be a super big brother!

That's all I have to share today...I'll be back tomorrow with more stampin' shares!
Have a super Stampin' Day!
Glimmer Hugs!


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